유틸리티>PC 관리/최적화하드디스크 조각모음 MyDefrag (JkDefrag) 4.2.1
- 프로그램 설명
MyDefrag는 JkDefrag의 새로운 이름으로 하드디스크의 조각 모음을 간단하고 깔끔하게 실행해주는 프로그램입니다. 다운 받은 파일의 압축을 풀고 실행하면 따로 설치가 필요없습니다. 3가지의 실행 방식 형태로 제공 초보자도 간단하게 사용하실수 있습니다. 일반적인 창 형태로 실행 JkDefrag, 커맨드 방식으로 실행 JkDefrag Cmd, 화면보호기 방식으로 실행 JkDefragScreenSaver의 3가지중 선택을 해서 사용하시면 됩니다. 조각모음창의 상단에는 하드디스크의 이름과 진행상태등의 정보를 보여줍니다. 개선사항 - Fixed a bug where a StatusBar() command in a script would turn off the statusbar in the screensaver, irrespective of the choice made in the screensaver settings dialog - Added the script- and disk-selection menu - The program now remembers the size and position of the window on the screen - The Settings.MyD script is now always executed by the program itself, and needs no longer be called from within a script - Moved the translations to the Settings.MyD script, and removed the Language.MyD script - Hardened the screensaver against improper installations, for example when the executables have been copied to another machine (without using the MyDefrag installer) - Fixed a bug where the program could get confused when filling a zone and start filling from the beginning of the disk, when it encountered an NTFS compressed file - Changed the SelectNtfsSystemFiles() so it also selects all files in all subfolders the $Extend folder. Previously it only selected files in the base $Extend folder, and only filenames than began with \"$\" - Strengthened the behavior if the Microsoft defragmentation API refuses to move a file into a gap. For example the sorted placements will now skip the gap after more than 10 failures - The WhenFinished(shutdown) and WhenFinished(reboot) settings are no longer executed when a script is cancelled - Fixed a problem in the scrolling and zooming calculations - 스크린샷